Home / featured / Azerbaijan demands accountability for AZAL plane crash amid Russian blame game

Azerbaijan demands accountability for AZAL plane crash amid Russian blame game


Although some time has passed since the deadliest AZAL plane crash, different and unpleasant discussions about the issue have begun to reach a wide audience in the Russian press.

Today, we are witnessing the insults of some mendacious people working with the Russian authorities and the media against Azerbaijan and its people. While measures are being taken against everyone who voices opinions contrary to Russia’s interests due to the war with Ukraine, no one can say that these insults against Azerbaijan are being voiced against the will of the authorities. If this were the case, they would probably have silenced them too. But this is not happening.

So, those individuals are also under control, they are insulting the Azerbaijani people with their language. The Federal Security Service, which has its hands everywhere, is managing this process.

Sometimes they threaten Azerbaijan with neo-Nazi language, and sometimes they add fabrications through a hired clerk in “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, making themselves even more ridiculous.

It seems that Russia is looking for enemies, not friends, and aims to lose even the few friends it has. Even after an Azerbaijani passenger plane was shot down in Russian skies, killing dozens of passengers, there were no insults, threats, or calls from Azerbaijan to Russia. People rightly demanded in response to what was happening.

In an interview with the media, the President of Azerbaijan highlighted the importance of accountability, a fair investigation, punishment of the perpetrators, and compensation for the victims in this case.

Now, not only are they trying to mislead the Russians by spreading the pilots’ conversations and diverting attention from the main issue, they are trying to blame Azerbaijan.

Instead of acting like a friendly and neighboring state, answering questions, objectively investigating the issue, and fulfilling its duties, Russia prefers to play games.

The essence of the issue is not who made the decision to land at which airport after the Azerbaijani plane was shot down and lost control, but the fact that the plane was shot down.

Swearing and insults begin where words end, and no one expected such cheap behavior from Russia.

Instead of coming up with empty and meaningless versions and diverting attention, the reason for the explosion of two seats would have been investigated in the pilots’ conversations. The fragments of the “Pantsir” missile found in the fuselage of the plane and on the passenger’s body would have been explained.

Azerbaijan values ​​ethical issues, Azerbaijani media, experts, and social media users have not exceeded the limit and have not allowed insults. Therefore, disgusting Soviet propaganda and cheap shows from Russia are unacceptable in any way.

The Azerbaijani public expects the Russian side to act responsibly, conduct a fair investigation into the matter, punish the criminals, and pay compensation.

About Fidan Abdullayeva