Biscuits are a delicious addition to a meal, and homemade biscuits are hands down better than store-bought.
Preparation time: 40-45 min
Cooking time: 10-15 min
Serves: 4-6Ingredients
Cooking time: 10-15 min
Serves: 4-6Ingredients
- 1 kg/2.2 lbs wheat flour
- 400 g/1 lb sugar powder
- 4 eggs
- 200 g/8 oz sour cream
- 200 g/8 oz butter
- 1 tsp cooking soda
- For decoration:
- 100/4 oz carnation
- a few threads of saffron
- 1 beet-root average size
- 100 g/4 oz sugar powder
- Beat up eggs with sugar powder, add butter and mix thoroughly. Mix cooking soda with sour cream and add to beaten up mass. Make round and egg-shaped balls of different size and bake at 190-210 C during 10-12 min. Stick by two when hot using beaten up egg albumen. Color top with saffron infusion (peaches and apricots), beetroot juice (plums and peaches) and coat with sugar powder. To make pear replica carnation before baking. Color one side of a pear with saffron infusion and another one with beetroot juice. Coat with sugar powder. When bisquits are ready place on top of each 1-3 leaves of olive tree.