The immune system fights disease-producing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites only when it is functioning properly. Despite all children are continuously exposed to these pathogens, exposing this unpleasant case does not mean a child will definitely get sick. In fact, a strong immune system provides a child …
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A tale of “eco” labels
Unhealthy foods have a long become a challenging matter for many of us, making our shopping a little bit difficult. Seeking less dangerous food for our health we try to carefully read out the important note on the products. But to what extent should we trust on them? The increasing …
Read More »The British Medical Association (A)
Abdomen – The region of the body between the chest and the pelvis. The abdominal cavity is bounded by the ribs and diaphragm above, and by the pelvis below, with the spine and abdominal muscles forming the back, side, and front walls. It contains the liver, stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, and …
Read More »Normal Anatomy of the Chest
Name and define the three zones of the airways. Define a secondary pulmonary lobule and its appearance on high-resolution computed tomography (CT). List the lobar and segmental bronchi of both lungs. Identify the following structures on the posteroanterior chest radiograph: Lungs-right and left; right upper, middle, and lower lobes; …
Read More »Esophagus
Introduction Anatomy Physiology Symptoms and Signs of Esophageal Diseases Investigations Used in the Diagnosis of Esophageal Disease Nonreflux-Induced Esophagitis Disorders of the Oropharyngeal Phase of Deglutition The Esophagus as a Cause of Angina-Like Chest Pain Esophageal Neoplasms Miscellaneous Disorders of the Esophagus
Read More »Common Symptoms and Signs in Gastroenterology
Introduction / N.Saloojee, W.G. Thompson and C. Dubé Globus / C. Dubé, W.G. Thompson and N. Saloojee Heartburn and Regurgitation / C. Dubé, W.G. Thompson and N. Saloojee Dysphagia / A.S.C. Sekar and N. Saloojee Odynophagia / N. Saloojee Dyspepsia / C. Dubé and N. Saloojee Nausea and Vomiting / …
Read More »Does public expenditure on health and education increase effectiveness?
Abstract Expenditures on health care and education sector constitutes large proportion of government expenditures in almost all countries. So the question arises: Do we really need to spend that much or not? This paper tries to find the effectiveness of public expenditure on two sectors mentioned above. As effectiveness indicator …
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