1 million 500 thousand – 1 million 200 thousand years ago – much more initial traces of primary human in the territory of Azerbaijan. Guruchay culture.
1 million 200 thousand – 1 million years BC – the beginning of primary human – beings settling in Azikh cave.
400-350 thousand years BC – reveal of the fragment of low jaw of Azikhantrop.
100-35 thousand years BC – middle Paleolithic (mustye).
35 thousand – 12 thousand years BC – epoch of upper Paleolithic in Azerbaijan. Appearance of the human – being of modern type.
13 thousand – 5 thousand years BC – Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. Beginning of formation of producing husbandry.
6th-4th millennium BC – Eneolithic period. The culture of Shomutepe.
4th-3rd millennium BC – the Early Bronze Age. Kur-Araz culture.
Last term of 3rd millennium BC – first tribal unions in the territory of Azerbaijan. First evidences about kutiums, lullubiums and hurrits in shumerian – accadian sources.
3rd millennium – first half of 2nd millennium BC – epoch of the Middle Bronze Age.
Second half of 3rd millennium BC – Nakhichevan archaeological culture.
First half of 2nd millennium BC – contact between arian tribes, which invaded to Front Asia and hurrits in the region of Urmia Lake.
Second half of 2nd millennium BC – beginning of 1st millennium BC – epoch of Last Bronze and the Beginning of Iron Age. Deepening of social and property difference, increasing of foreign ties.
The end of 2nd millennium BC – collapse of primary communal relations in the historical territories of Azerbaijan.
The end of 2nd millennium BC – beginning of 1st millenium – Entrance of Iranian spoken tribes to Azerbaijan.
Beginning of 1st millennium BC – foundation of initial big political formations. Zamua.
First half of the 9th century BC – creation of the Manna realm in the pre-Urmian region.
8th century BC – strengthening and enlargement of Manna realm. Struggle against Assyria and Urartu.
The mid of the 8th century – the second stage of Assyrian expansion.
The year of 714 BC – campaign of Assyrian tsar – Sargon II to Urartu.
8th – the end of the 7th century BC – invasion of Cimmerian,Scythian and Sacians to Caucasus and Front Asia.
70s of the 7th century BC – establishment of Cimmerian – Scythian – Sacian realm in the part territory of Azerbaijan.
70s of the 7th century BC – foundation of Median realm.
The years of 660s BC – uprising against tsar Ahsheri in Manna.
Last 30 years of the 7th century BC – beginning of expansive wars of Medans.
625-585 BC – reign of Kiaksar.
The year of 615 BC – Medians begin war against Assyria.
The year of 612 BC – conquest of Assyrian capital – Ninevia by medians and Babylonians.
612-605 BC – fall of Assyrian Empire. The division of Assyrian territory between Midians and Babylonians.
The end of 7th – at beginning of the 6th century BC – conquest of Manna, Scythian realm and Urartu by Midians.
The year of 550 BC – the fall of Median Empire. Foundation of Pesrian Ahamanid state.
The year of 522 BC – The revolution of Gaumata.
The year of 521 BC – uprising of midians against Persians under the leadership of Frauvartish.
The end of the 5th century BC – campaigns of Persian tsars against kadusians.
4th – 3rd centuries BC – Yaloylutepe culture.
The year of 334-330s BC – Expansions of Alexander Great. Collapse of Ahamenid state.
The year 331 BC – Participation of medians, kadusians and sakesins in Gavgamel battle.
Last term of the 4th century BC – Creation of Atropatena state. First crowned of Atropatena, Atropat.
Last three centuries of 1st millennium BC – 2nd century AD – the culture of pitcher graves.
Last term of the 4th century BC – Foundation of Albania state.
Last term of the 3rd century BC – strengthening of Atropatena. Tsar Artabazan.
The end of 20s of the 3rd century BC – Artabazan recognizes the regin of Selevkid tsar – Antiox III over himself.
3rd century BC – minting of coins in Albania.
60s of the 2nd century BC – Atropatena again conducts the independent policy.
1st century BC – strengthening of the positions of parfian and avestian Zaroastrionism in Atropatena.
60s of 1st century BC – struggle of Albanians against the expansion of Romans. The mention of the Albanian tsar – Oroys and his brother – Kosis in written sources.
Second half of 1st century BC – the reign of Artabazd in Atropatena.
The year of 36 BC – Invasion of Rome troops to Atropatena. Heroic defence of Fraaspa. Destruction of Rome troops, commanded by Antony in Atropatena.
The year of 35 BC – The struggle of Albanians against the expansion of Parfia. The governor of Albania, Zober.
The last third of the 1st century BC – the end of parthianofilian policy of Atropatena stars. Rapprochement and alliance with Rome.
The end of 1st century BC – the beginning of 1st century AD – Atropatena tsars, Ariborzan and Ariovast.
The beginning of 1st century AD – The dynasty of Parfian Arshakids captured the reign in Atropatena.
The year 70s – expansion of alanians in Azerbaijan and neighbourhood countries.
The years of 80-90s – expansion of Romans to Albania.
The year of 226 – Caming of Sasanid dynasty to the reign in Iran.
The second half of the 3rd century – Including of Azerbaijan to the borders of the influence of Sasanid Empire.
313-371 – the years of reign of Albanian tsar, Urnayr.
The year of 313 – confirmation of Christianity in Albania as state religion.
The beginning of the 5th century – creation of Albanian alphabet.
422 – Iran-Byzantine agreement about united defence of Albanian passage.
428 – Liquidation of the statehood of Armenia by Sasanids.
450-451 – uprising of South-Caucausian nations against Sasanids.
The mid of the 5th century – Petrozobad/Barda – new capital of Albania.
457-463 – uprising of Albanian people against Sasanid supremacy under the leadership of tsar Vache II.
463-487 – dismissal of Vache II from tsarian reign. Temporary stop of the ruling of Arshakid dynasty in Albania and the period of first marzbanian.
481-484 – uprising of South-Caucasian peoples against Sasanids.
485 – the Nvarsak peace.
487 – Restoration of Arshakid dynasty in Albania. Tsar Vachagan III (487-510).
488 – The call of Aluen assembly.
The end of 5th – half of 4th centuries – mazdakid movement.
510 – The fall of Arshakid dynasty. Second marzabanian period in the history of Albania (510-628).
First half of the 6th century – new expansions of Turkish tribes (savirs, avars, bulgars, khazars) to the territory of the South Caucasus.
531-579 – the years of reign of Khosrov Anushiravan I.
The half of the 6th century – administrative reform of Khosrov I. Including of historical territories of Azerbaijan to the structure of sole governance – Norhtern Kustak.
586 – invasion of Byzantine troops of Albania.
591 – Iran-Byzantine peace treaty.
603 – Foundation of Mehranids in Albania; the beginning of the activity of Albanian Cathlolicos Viro.
603-628 – the last Iran-Byzantine war.
612-613 – The call of Iranian church assembly.
623 – new invasion of Byzantine troops of Albania under the commandance of emperor Irakly.
626 – The beginning of wide-sized invasion of khazars to Albania.
627 – Receive of the title of “the governor of Gardman and the sovereign of the state of Albanian” by Varaz Grigor Mehranid (627-642) in Ktesifon.
629-630 –Subordination of Albania by Khazars.
637 – The capture of Ktesifon by Arabs.
639-640 – first unsuccessful campaigns of Arabs to Azerbaijan.
640-642 – the attempts of Sasanid detachments to conquer Albania again.
640 – Agreement of Javanshir with the ruler of Iberia about “inviolable friendship”.
642 – the Battle in Nehavend.
643 – invasion of Arabs to Azerbaijan. The battle in Ardebil.
643 – Conquest of Derbent – Bab-al-Abvab by Arabs. Conclusion of peace treaty between civil population and Arabs.
644 – Capture of Tiflis by Arabs.
644 – first defeat of Arabs in Belencer and their recede.
644-645 – uprising of Azerbaijan population against Arabic conquerors.
644-645 – new campaigns of Arabs under the leadership of Habib ibn Maslama and Salman ibn Rabia to Albania and its re- conquest.
652-653 – new campaign of Salman ibn Rabia to Derbent and his death in Arabic-Khazar battle near Belencer. Big part of Azerbaijan was again seceded from Arabic invaders.
654-655 – one more campaign of Habib ibn Maslama to South Caucasus. Subordination of northern regions of Azerbaijan by Arabs to Caliphate as well.
654 – Moving of the residence of Arabic governor from Dvin to Barda; Agreement of Javanshir with Byzantine emperor, Constantin II.
664 – Agreement of Javanshir with khazars and his marriage with the daughter of khazar khagan.
667-670 – meeting of Javanshir with caliph al-Muaviyya in Damascus and his confirmation as the governor of Albania.
680 – conspiracy and murder of Javanshir.
7th century – the construction of 15 years old Khudaferin Bridge.
Second half of the 7th century – Albanian poet, Davdak.
680-696 – the years of reign of Albanian king Varaz Tiridat I.
680 – the beginning of new invasions of Khazars.
688-690 – Arabic-Byzantine invasion to the South Caucasus.
Triple dependence of Albania.
691-692, 725-726 – population census in Azerbaijan.
699-704s – Captivation of Varaz Tiridat I by Byzantine in Constantinople.
The eve of 7th-8th centuries – the foundation of Arabic spoken Azerbaijan literature.
First half of the 8th century – Arabic spoken poets of Azerbaijan, Musa Shahavat and Ismail ibn Yasar.
704 – Partav church assembly; real subordination of Albanian Christian church to Armenian one.
705 – Liquidation of Albanian statehood and its turn/transition into Arabic province, Arran.
8th century – beginning of extension of Sufism.
707-708 – Arabic-khazar wars in the territory of Azerbaijan.
721-722 – invasion of khazars, kipchaks and other Turkish tribes to Azerbaijan.
30s of the 8th century – successful campaigns of Arabs to Khazaria under the commandance of Marvan ibn Muhammed.
748-752 – anti-Caliphate uprisings in Azerbaijan; uprising under the leadership Musafir ibn Kuseyir.
750 –beginning of reign of Abbasid dynasty in Caliphate.
763-764 – invasion of Khazars to Arran and Georgia.
775-785 – ruling of caliph al-Mehti; propaganda of new religious trend by him.
Second half of the 18th century– strengthening of flow of Arabs- immigrants from South Arabia to Azerbaijan, deepening of rival relations between the representatives of Northern and Southern Arabic tribes here.
778-779 – first uprisings of Khurramids.
793-794 – uprising in Beylakan under the leadership of Abu Muslim.
796/97-797/98 – new uprisings of Khurramids.
798-799 – “Shirvan melik” Shammakh ibn Shudja.
The end of the 8th century – end of Arabic-khazar wars.
The end of 8th – the beginning of the 9th century – real liquidation of administrative name of “Arminiyya”.
The end of 8th – beginning of 9th centuries – the reign of Yazid ibn Mazyad at Sheybani in Azerbaijan.
808-809 – uprising of khurramids in Azerbaijan, Isfahan, Rey, Hamadan and in some other regions.
816 – death of Javidan and Abu Imran, Babek – leader of khurramid movement.
821 – murder of Varaz Tiridat II.
The end of 20s – beginning of 30s of the 9th century – movement of sektants – pavlikians in Beylakan.
830 – 833 – extension of khurramid movement. Capture of Hamadan by khurramids.
835 – formation of the control over Arran by Sahl ibn Sumbat.
836 – battle in Hashtadsar.
Winter of 836 – death of one of the generals of Babek – Turk Tarkhan.
August of 837 – Capture of Bazz by Arabic troops, led by Afshin. Babek’s escape.
837, September 15 – captivation of Babek and his brought to Barzand.
838, January-March – brought of Babek to Samira and his assosination.
839-840 – uprising in Tabaristan under the leadership of Mazyad.
839-84 – revolt in Azerbaijan against the central power of Mingecheur al-Fargani.
40s of the 9th century – new anti-arabic uprisings in the South Caucasus.
853 – punishment of the leaders/participants of these uprisings by Bugha al-Kabir, captivation and brought of local governors to Samira.
Second half 9th – beginning of 10th centuries – weakening of caliphate, formation of feudal states of Azerbaijan.
861 – establishment of feudal properties by the representative of Mazyadid clan: by Heysam ibn Halid in Shirvan, Yazid ibn Halid in Layzan.
869 – Establishment of Derbent emirate by Hashim-as-Sulami.
886-887 – “Restoration” of Albanian statehood by Grigor Hammam.
Beginning of 80s of the 9th century – order of caliph about the giving of the profits of Baku oil-producers and salt mines to Derbent people.
The end 80s of the 9th century – creation of Syunik and Artsakh – Khachen realms.
Second half of 9th – first half of 10th centuries – development of scientific and philosophyc thought in Azerbaijan (Al-Bardidji, Al- Bardai, Muhammed al-Bakuvi and others).
898-941 – The state of Sajid.
901-927 – Appointment of Yusif ibn Abu-Sac as the governor of caliph in Azerbaijan.
913-914 – Attack of the Rus to Baku and Absheron seashore.
914 – Defeat of Armenian owner, Smbat I by Yusif ibn Abu Sac.
917 – Capture of Shirvan by LayzanShah Abu Tahir Yazid and acceptance of the title of “ShirvanShah” by him. In the same year the city of Shamakha got the name of “Yazidiyye” in the honour of Abu Tahir.
930 – peace treaty between Shirvan and Derbent.
943 – Capture and destruction of Barda by the Rus.
960 – strengthening of Senekerim’s power in Sheki and adoption of the title of “tsar of albanians” by him.
971-1075 – Sheddadid emirate of Ganja.
983 – Construction of castle walls of Shabran.
983-1060; 1107-1117 – The state of Revvadids.
993-1066 – philosopher and thinker, Bahmanyar.
1012-1088 – Qatran Tabrizi.
1015, 1018-1021, 1029 – campaigns of oghuz detachments to Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus.
1027 – Construction of 11 years old Khudaferin Bridge over the Araz River.
1030 – new attack of the Rus with ships to Azerbaijan.
1030 – 1109 – Khatib Tabrizi.
1038 – Establishment of Oghuz state in the Middle Asia.
1040 – The battle of Dendenakan.
40s 0f 11th century – beginning of Seljukid conquests.
1045 – Strengthening of castle walls of Yezidiyye and Ganja.
1054 – Capture of Tabriz by Sultan Toghrul.
1066 – Uprising in Shirvan.
60s-70s of the 11th century – campaigns of Sultans Alp-Arslan and Melik-Shah and conquest of Azerbaijan and neighbourhood countries by them.
1071, August 25 – destruction of Byzantine army in Malazgird by Sultan Alp-Arslan.
1078/1079 – Construction of “Sunq-qala” mosgues in Baku.
1089-1182/83 – Mekhseti khanum Gandjavi.
The end 11th century –unification of Derbent city-state to Shirvan.
11th-12th centuries – building of three bridges over the Ganja-chay.
11th – beginning of 13th centuries – the period of prosperity of Azerbaijan poetry school.
1100 – uprising in Beylakan.
1111 – Marriage of the successor of Shirvan throne, Manuchohr with the Georgian princess, Tamara.
1117-1157 – the years of ruling of Sultan Sanjar, the last “great Sultan” of Seljukid dynasty.
1118 – Establishment of Irag Sultanate of Seljukids with the centre in Hamadan; beginning of Sultan Mahmud’s governance.
1120-1121 – the attack of Georgian tsar, David IV to Arran.
1122 – earthquake in Ganja.
1123-1124 – invasion of Georgian tsar, David IV’s troops to Shirvan.
1130-1213 – Mkhitar Gosh.
1133-1152 – Proclamation of Masud as the ruler of Irag Sultanate.
1135 – Confrontation of Sultan and caliph grew till the war. Defeat of caliph’s troops.
1136 – Giving of Arran as iqta to Shamsaddin Eldeniz by Sultan Masud. Arrival of atabey to Barda.
1139 – earthquake in Ganja: Attack of Georgians to the destroyed city and thief of the castle gates by them.
1141-1209– Nizami Gandjavi.
1142 – Revolt of Emir Kutlug in Ganja against the Sultan.
1145-1234 – Shikhabeddin Sukhraverdi.
1147 – Appointment of Khas-bey as the governor of Azerbaijan by Sultan Masud.
1148 – Construction of the mausaleum of “Gyrmizi gunbaz” (“Red dome”) in Maragha.
1148 – United uprisings of Shamsaddin Eldeniz and the emirs of Irag Sultanate against Sultan Masud.
The mid of 12th centry – construction of monastery of “Qoshavenk” by Mkhitar Gosh and school under monastery.
1153 – Sultan Muhammed’s coming to the throne.
1160 – Arslan Shah’s coming to the throne of Irag Sultanate.
Giving of the title of “great atabey” to Shamsaddin Eldeniz.
1161 – first invasion of Georgian troops to the borders of Azerbaijan atabey’s properties and destruction of the cities of Ani, Dvin, Ganja.
1162 – building of Yusuf ibn-Kuseyir mausoleum.
1163-1164 – Replied invasion of Shamsaddin Eldeniz to Georgia. Returning of the cities of Ani and Dvin to his subordination.
1160 – Collapse of Syunik realm.
1168 – Acceptance of vassal dependence of Maragha governor, Arslan Aba from the atabey of Azerbaijan.
1174/75 – campaigns of gipchags and the Rus to Shirvan.
1174-1186 – atabey Muhammed Jahan Pehlevan.
1175 – the death of Momina-khatun in Nakhichevan.
1175 – including Ruindej fortress of Tabriz to the structure of Eldenizes’ properties.
1186 – the end of the construction of Momine-khatun mausoleum.
1186-1191 – atabey Qizil-Arslan and the beginning of “memluk” period.
1187 – building of Mardakan tower.
1188 – Capture of Hamadan by Gizil Arslan and his coming to Sultan throne.
1191 – conspiracy and murder of Gizil Arslan.
1191/92 – destructive earthquake in Shamakha. Moving of the capital from Shirvan to Baku.
1191-1210 – Atabey Abu-Bekr.
1193 – Mujiraddin Beylagani.
1194 – The defeat of Abu-Bekr by united troops of Shirvan and Georgia, which supported his brother Amir Amiran in the struggle for throne near Ganja.
1194 – Uprising of Amir Amiran in Ganja and his death.
12th century – construction of “Red Bridge” in modern Kazakh region.
1201-1280 – Kirakos Qanzaksky.
12th – beginning of the 13th century – restoration of Arsakh-Khachen realm.
1206 – marriage of atabey Abu-Bekr with Georgian princess; temporary cease of the invasions of Georgian troops.
1208 – cease of the dynasty of the owners of Maragha, Aghsungur al-Ahmedali. Capture of Maragha by atabey Abu-Bekr.
1210 – Death of atabey Abu-Bekr.
1210-1225 – Atabey Ozbek.
1210-1211 – restoration of destructive campaigns of Georgian troops in the borders of atabeys’ properties.
1215-1261 – restoration of Albanian (Arsakh-Khacen) melikate by Hasan Jalal and the years of his governance.
1216 – beginning of the construction of Gandzasar monastery.
1220-1222 – first campaign of Mongols to Azerbaijan. Destruction of several biggest cities of Azerbaijan.
1221 – campaigns of qipchaks to Azerbaijan.
1221 – conquest of Sheki and Gabala by Georgians.
1225-1244 – ShirvanShah Fariburz III.
1225-1231 – Azerbaijan under the reign of kharezmShah Jalaladdin Makburn.
1225 – The fall of the state of Azerbaijan Atabeys.
1225 – Invasion of Georgian troops to Ganja.
1225 – capture and destruction of Tbilisi and Eastern Georgia by Jalaladdin.
1227 – liberation of Sheki and Gabala from Georgians.
1231 – revolt against Jalaladdin’s reign in Ganja under the leadership of Bender.
1231 – Death of kharezmShah Jalaladdin.
1231 – second campaign of Mongols. The end of independent existence of ShirvanShahs state.
1230-1294 – music-studied Safieddin Urmavi.
1235 – Capture of Ganja by Mongols.
1239 – Conquest of Derbent by Mongols and the end of the conquest of Azerbaijan by Mongols.
1239-1256 – Governance of the ruler of Great khan in Azerbaijan.
1244-1260 – ShirvanShah Ahsitan II.
1247-1318 – statesman, historian and doctor Fazlullah Reshideddin.
1252-1320 – philosopher Mahmud Shabustari.
1252-1334 – founder of Safavids dynasty – Sheikh Safieddin.
1254 – general census of the population by Mongols.
1256-1357 – The state of Hulakids (Elkhanids) in Azerbaijan.
1256 – The reign of Hulagu-khan.
1259 – The opening of Maragha observatory.
1260-1267 – ShirvanShah Farrukhzad II.
1262,1265,1288 – Campaigns of Gold Orda khans to Azerbaijan.
1265-1282 – Abaga khan Hulakid.
1267-1294 – ShirvanShah Gershasp II.
1276 – uprising against Abaga khan’s reign in Arran.
1281-1345 – scientist and historian Hamdullah Mustoifi Kazvini.
1282-1284 – The reign of Ahmed Tekudar Hulakid.
1284-1291 – The regin of Argun-khan Hulakid.
1291-1295 – The reign of Kheykhatu khan Hulakid.
1294-1317 – ShirvanShah Farrukhzad III.
1295 – Baydu-khan Hulakuid.
1295-1304 – Ghazan khan.
1295 – Convert of Ghazan khan to Islam.
1308 – mathematician Ubeyd Tabrizi.
13th-14th centuries – construction of Mardakan, Nardaran, Ramana and Ark fortresses.
13th-14th centuries – construction of the complex of ShirvanShahs palace in Baku.
Beginning of the 14th century – opening of medrese and “Dar-ush-shafa”-House of Health in Tabriz.
Beginning of the 14th century – construction of Mahmudabad city.
1304-1316 – Sultan Muhammed Khudabende (Olcaytu) Hulakuid.
1316-1335 – Sultan Abu Said Hulakid.
1318 – destruction of the square of Rabi-Rashidi in Tabrizi.
1322 – construction of the mausoleum in Barda.
1325-1390 – Assar Tabrizi.
1334-1392 – Sheikh Safieddin Sefevi.
1335 – campaign of Gold Orda khan, Uzbek to Azerbaijan.
1335-1336 – Arpa khan Hulakid.
1336 – Musa khan Hulakid.
1336-1338 – Muhammed khan Hulakid.
1339-1340 – Satibeyim-khatun from Halaki origin.
40s of the 14th century – decline of Hulakuid state.
1340 – the establishment of Celairid state with the centre in Baghdad.
1340-1344 – Suleiman-khan Hulakid.
1340-1357 – real reign of Chobanid clan in Azerbaijan.
1340-1392 – Fazlullah Naimi.
1344-1355 – Anushiravani-Adil Hulakid.
1344, 1346, 1357 – years of uprisings against Chobanids in Tabriz.
1345-1372 – ShirvanShah Kavus.
1345-1357 – Hasan-khan Hulakid.
1355-1434 – Shah Kasi Anver.
1357-1359 – emir Akhidjuk Chobanid.
1359-1410 – Azerbaijan as the part of Celairid state.
1359-1374 – Sheikh Uveys Celairid.
1364-1367 – Struggle of ShirvanShah Kavus against Celairids.
1369-1417 – Imadaddin Nasimi.
1372-1382 – Sultan Hussein Celairid.
1382-1538 – The governance of Derbendids dynasty in Shirvan.
1382-1417 – ShirvanShah Ibrahim I.
1382-1410 – Sultan Ahmed Celairid.
1385, 1387, 1394 – campaigns of the Gold Orda khan, Tokhtamush to Azerbaijan.
1386, 1392, 1399 – campaigns of emir Teymur to Azerbaijan.
1387, 1393, 1397, 1400 – Attempts of capture of Alinjagala fortress by Teymur’s troops.
1387-1401 – heroic defence of Alinjagala fortress.
1392-1427 – sheikh Khadje Ali Safavids.
1402-1473 – Abdurrashid ibn Saleh Bakuvi.
1404 – Coming of Spanishman Klavikho to Tabriz.
1405-1406 – Uprising against Teymurids in Azerbaijan.
May-June, 1406, – Coming of ShirvanShah Ibrahim to Tabriz.
July, 1406, – Return of Celairid Sultan, Ahmed to Tabriz.
October 14, 1406, – Battle between Qara Yusif Karakoyunlu and Teymurid Abubekr near Nakhichevan.
April 12, 1408, – victory of Qara Yusif Karakoyunlu over Teymurid Abubekr in the battle near Tabriz.
August 30, 1410,– battle near Tabriz and the victory of Qara Yusif over Ahmed Celairid.
1410-1467 – The state of Karakoyunlu.
1410-1420 – The authority of Qara Yusif Karakoyunlu.
December, 1412,– battle between ShirvanShah Ibrahim and Georgians on the shore of the Kur.
1417-1462 – ShirvanShah Khalilullah I.
July 30-August 1, 1421,– Aleshkerd battle between Iskender Karakoyunlu and Teymurid Shahrukh.
1422-1429 and 1431-1435 – the years of authority of Iskender Karakoyunlu.
1427-1447 – Seikh Ibrahim (SheikhShah) Safavids.
September 17-18, 1429, – Salmass battle between Iskender and Shahrukh.
1435-1467 – JahanShah Karakoyunlu.
1447-1460 – Seikh Cuneyd Safavids.
1453-1457 – subordination of Iran by JahanShah.
1453-1478 – the years of reign of Uzun Hasan Aghqoyunlu (since 1468 in Azerbaijan).
1458 – invasion of JahanShah to Herat.
1460-1488 – sheikh Heydar Safavids.
1462-1500 – ShirvanShah Farrukh Yasar.
1465 – Embassy of Shirvan in Moscow under the leadership of Hasan bey.
1465 – construction of “Blue-mosque” in Tabriz.
1466 – coming of Russian embassy to Shirvan under the leadership of Vasily Papin.
November 10, 1467,– victory of Uzun Hasan over JahanShah in the battle in Mush pasture.
1471-1473 – war between Aghqoyunlu and Ottoman Turkey.
August 1, 1473, – battle in Malatya.
August 11, 1473, – battle in Otlugbeli.
January 5, 1478,– death of Uzun Hasan.
1478-1490 – Sultan Yagub Aghqoyunlu.
1483 – construction of the palace of “Hesht-Behisht” in Tabriz.
1483, 1487, 1488 – campaigns of Sheikh Heydar to Shirvan and Daghestan.
July 17, 1487, – the birth of Ismail Safavids in Ardebil.
1488-1494 – Sheikh Sultan Ali Safavids.
1489-1493 – inprisonment of little Ismail with his mother and brothers in the fortress of Istakhr (province of Persia).
1490-1492 – the authority of Baysungur Aghqoyunlu.
1492-1497 – the reign of Rustam Aghqoyunlu.
1494-1499 – Coming of Ismail to Gilan (Lahican). Murad.
1494-1556 – Muhammed Fuzuli.
1497 – The reign of Godek Ahmed Aghqoyunlu.
1499 – the division of Aghqoyunlu state between Alvend and 1499-1500 – Arrive of Ismail to Erzincan.
The end of 1500 – destruction of Farrukh Yasar’s troops by Ismail in the Jabani step.
Spring of 1501 – Arrest of Baku by Ismail’s troops.
The mid of 1501 – Defeat of Alvend Aghqoyunlu’s troops by Ismail in Sharur step.
Autumn of 1501 – Entrance of Ismail to Tabriz and proclamation of him as Shah. Establishment of Azerbaijan Safavids state.
1501-1524 – reign of Shah Ismail I.
1502-1524 – ShirvanShah Ibrahim II (SheikhShah).
1503, June 21 – destruction of Sultan Murad Aghqoyunlu’s troops by Shah Ismail I near Hamadan.
Winter of 1504-1505s – Arrive of the embassy of Ottoman Sultan, Bayazid II and recognition of Safavids state by him.
1508, Ocotber 21 – Arrest of Baghdad by Shah Ismail.
1509-1510 – second campaign of Shah Ismail to Shirvan.
1510, December 2 – victory of Shah Ismail over Ozbek Sheybani near Merv.
1512-1520 – the reign of Sultan Selim in Ottoman Turkey.
1514, August 23 – The battle of Chaldiran.
1515 – Conquest of Diyarbekir by Selim.
1516-1517 – campaigns of Safavids troops of Georgia.
1520-1566 – the authority of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman Mignificant.
1521 – Recognition of vassal dependence from Safavids by the tsars of destroyed Georgia.
1524, May 23 – Shah Ismail I died.
1524-1535 – ShirvanShah Khalilullah II.
1524-1576 – Shah Tahmasib I.
1534, 1535, 1548, 1554– Sultan Suleiman’s campaigns to Azerbaijan.
1538 –annexation of Shirvan to Safavids state.
1540, 1546, 1551, 1554 – campaigns of Safavids to Georgia.
1544 – Arrival of the governor of India, Humayun to Safavids palace and receive of requested military aid by him.
1547, 1549, 1554 – uprisings against Safavids in Shirvan.
1551 – annexation of Sheki by Safavids and unification of Azerbaijan lands under the structure of sole state.
1552 – campaign of Safavids to the borders of Ottoman Turkey.
1555, May 29 – Amasya peace treaty.
1555, October – move of the capital of the state from Tabriz to Qazvin.
1560-1634 – historian Iskender bey Munshi.
1565 – Abolishment of the tax of tamgha by Shah Tahmasib.
1571-1573 – uprising of urban poors in Tabriz.
1574-1595 – Sultan Murad III.
August 22, 1576, – November 24, 1577,– Shah Ismail II.
1578-1587 – Shah Muhammed Kudabende.
1578-1590 – Ottoman-Safavids war.
August 9, 1578, – The battle of Childiran.
1578-1581 – invasion of Shirvan by Crimea khan’s troops.
1587-1629 – Shah Abbas I.
1590 – The treaty of Istanbul.
1598 – Moving of the capital from Qazvin to Isfahan.
1599-1601 – travel of Oruc bey Bayat to Europe in comprising of the embassy under the leadership of Husseingulu bey.
September 14, 1603, – the beginning of military hostilities against Ottomans by Shah Abbas I.
1603-1607 – Safavids-Ottoman war.
October 21, 1603, – liberation of Tabriz by Shah Abbas I.
1603-1607 – Sultan Ahmed I.
June 8, 1604, – liberation of Iravan castle from Ottomans.
May, 1605, – the campaign of Sinan pasha Ciqaloghlu to Azerbaijan.
November 7, 1605, – Victory of Shah Abbas I, over Ottomans in Sufiyan battle.
1606 – strengthening of the movement of Celalies in Azerbaijan.
January 9, 1606, – Shah Abbas I’s campaign to Shamakha.
July 5, 1606, – liberation of Ganja from Ottomans.
1606-1607 – construction of Shah Abbas mosque in Ganja.
1606 – liberation of cities and castles of Lori, Tbilisi and Dmanisi.
January, 1607, – beginning of anti-Ottoman uprising in Baku.
February-March, 1607, – uprising against Ottomans in Derbent Turkey.
June 27, 1607, – liberation of Shamakha from Ottomans.
1610 – Return of the part of Anatolian Celalies to Ottoman 1610-1612 – Ottoman-Safavids war.
October 17, 1612, – concluding of peace treaty between Safavids and Ottoman states in Istanbul.
October, 1613,– Shah Abbas I’s campaign to Georgia.
1614-1616 – uprising under the leadership of Melik Piri (Deli Melik) in Shirvan.
1616-1618 – restoration of Ottoman-Safavids war.
1616 – Giving of the right of trade in Safavids territories to English merchants.
September 10, 1618,– victory of Shah Abbas I over Ottoman army in the place of Siniq-korpu near Serab.
September 26, 1618, – concluding of Safavids-Ottoman peace treaty in Marand.
1618-1623 – Sultan Osman II.
1623 – Sultan Murad IV.
1624-1626 – restoration of Ottoman-Safavids war.
June 30, 1625, – destruction of Georgian troops by Shah Abbas I in the valley of the river of Alget-chay.
January 19, 1629, – death of Shah Abbas I.
1629-1642 – Shah Sefi I.
April 30, 1630, – conquets of Iravan by Ottoman army.
1631-1632 – invasion of Baku bu Kazakh detachment. Uprising under the leadership of Dervish Rza in the environs of Kazvin.
Summer of 1635 – campaign of Sultan Murad IV to Azerbaijan.
1639, May 17 – concluding of peace treaty between Safavids and Ottoman Turkey in Kasre-Shirin.
1642-1667 – Shah Abbas II.
1667-1694 – Shah Suleiman.
January 4, 1668, – earthquake in Shamakha.
Summer of 1668 – plundering of Baku by the Kazakhs of Stepan Razin.
1694-1722 – Shah Sultan-Hussein.
1699-1702 – census of all-citizens of Safavids state.
1707-1709 – uprising in Car-Balaken. Intelligence travel of Armenian political adventurer Israil Ori to Azerbaijan.
1709-1711 – uprising in Shirvan.
1709-1809 – Molla Veli Vidadi.
1710 – Shah’s order about obligatory return of escaped peasants.
1713 – travel of Safavids embassy to Russia under the leadership of Fazlullah-bey.
1716-1718 – Arrival of Russian embassy to Iran and Azerbaijan under the leadership of Artemei Volinsky.
June-July, 1717, – conclusion of Russian-Iranian trade agreement.
1717-1797 – Molla Panah Vagif.
1718-1719 – the first stage of uprising under the leadership Haji Davud in Shirvan.
1720-1721 – the second stage of uprising in Shirvan.
August, 1721, – conquest of Shamakha by rebelling Shirvanians, led by Haji Davud and Surkhay khan Gazikumukhsky.
July, 1722, – the beginning of Precaspian campaign of Petr I.
August 23, 1722, – Entrance of Russian troops to Derbent.
September 5, 1722, – cease of the movement of Russian troops and return of Petr I to Petersburg.
October, 1722, – capture of Isfahan by rebelling afganian tribes.
December, 1722, – entrance of Haji Davud under the protection of Ottoman Turkey and confirmation of him as khan of Shirvan. Conquest of Resht by Russian escade.
August, 1723, – Conquest of Baku by Russian escade and troops.
September, 1723, – Concluding of the “treaty” between Russia and Iranian envoy – Ismail bey in Petersburg.
June 12, 1724, – Istanbul treaty about the division of Safavids “heritage” between Ottoman Turkey and Safavids state.
July, 1724,– invasion of Ottoman troops to Irevan castle.
1724 – Opening of the plans of revolt against Russia under the leadership of Dergahgulu bey in Baku.
May, 1725, – capture of Tabriz by Ottoman troops.
August, 1725, – capture of Ganja by Ottoman troops.
1726-1727 – occupation of Mushkur, Niyazabad, Javad, Salyan, Astara, Lenkoran, Gizilagach and Talish by Russian troops.
1726-1758 – the years of reign of Gubadli Husseingulu khan.
1727-1728 – dismissal of Haji Davud from the post of Shirvan khan and confirmation of Surkhay khan as the governor of Shirvan.
1730 – liberation of the city of Isfahan from Afgans by Nadir Afshar.
January 16, 1732, – concluding of peace treaty between Tehmasib II and Ottoman commandance in KermanShah.
January 21, 1732, – Resht treaty between Iran and Russia.
February, 1733, – concluding of peace treaty between Nadir and Ahmed pasha in Baghdad.
August, 1734, – capture of Shamakha by Nadir.
1735 – Death of Haji Davud.
March 10, 1735,– Ganja treaty between Nadir and Russian representative, king S.Qolitsin.
1743 – uprising in Sheki.
November, 1744,– conspiracy and murder of Nadir Shah.
1747 – uprising under the leadership of Sam Mirza Third . Proclamation of Aligulu Mirza as Shah under the name of Adil Shah. Invasion of Gabala and Arash owners to Sheki khanate. Declaration of Seyid Abbas as Talish khan.
1743-1755 – Sheki khan, Haji Chelebi.
1747-1755 – Derbent khan, Mammedhussein.
1747-1760– Ganjali Shahverdi khan.
1747-1762 – Bakili Mirza Muhammed khan.
1747-1786 – Talish khan, Jamaladdin Mirza khan (Gara khan).
1748 – construction of the Bayat fortress. Proclamation of Amiraslan khan as the ruler of Iran.
The end of 1748 – dethrone of Adil Shah.
1748-1763 – Karabakh khan, Panahali khan.
1750 – foundation of the city of Shusha (Panahabad) as the capital of Karabakh khanate.
1751 – Muhammedhasan khan’s campaign to Shusha.
1752 – campaign of Georgian tsars of Eastern Georgia, Teymuraz and Cakhetia, Irakly II to Sheki.
1755 – confrontation between Haji Chelebi khan and Qubali Husseinali khan.
1755-1779 – Sheki governor, Hussein khan.
1757 – annexation of Salyan Sultanate to Quba khanate.
1758-1789 – Fatali khan from Quba.
1758-1763 – construction of Askeran castle.
1759 – campaign of Urmia khanate, Fatali khan Afshar to Shusha.
1760-1780 – The governor of Ganja, Muhammedhasan khan.
1760 – Muhammedhasan khan Kajar’s campaign to Shusha.
1761 – Kerim khan Zend’s campaign to Karabakh. Annexation of Derbent to Quba khanate.
1763-1786 – Ahmed khan Khoysky.
1763 – Conquest of Yeni Shamakha by Muhammedseid khan.
1768 – division of Shamakha khanate between Quba and Sheki khanates. Annexation of Javad khanate to Quba khanate.
1768-1769 – construction of “Juma-mesjid” (“Cathedral Mosque”) in Shusha.
1768-1784 – The reign of Melikmuhammed khan in Baku.
1772 – movement of Sheki city to new place.
July, 1747,– besiege of Derbent by Russian troops under the commandance of general de Medem.
1779 – Arrest of Melikmuhammed khan from Baku in the prison by the ruler of Karabakh, Ibrahim khan.
1779-1781 – the ruler of Sheki, Abdulgadirkhan.
1780-1781 – campaigns of Fatali khan Qubinsky to Karabakh.
1781-1795 – the ruler of Shaki, Muhammedhasan khan.
July 24, 1783, – concluding of Georgiyevsk tractate about the transition of Kartli-Cakhetia kingdom under the protection of Russia.
1783-1804 – the governor of Ganja, Javad khan.
1785 – campaign of Ahmed khan-Khoysky to Tabriz.
1786-1814 – authority of Mir-Mustafa khan.
1795 – first campaign of Agha Muhammed Shah Kajar to the South Caucasus.
June-July, 1795, – besiege of Shusha castle by the troops of Agha Muhammed Shah.
1795-1806 – reign of Selim khan in Sheki.
April, 1796, – campaign of Russian troops to Azerbaijan under the commandance of V.Zubov.
1796-1806 – reign of Ibrahimkhalil khan in Karabakh.
1797 – the second campaign of Agha MuhammedShah Kajar to the South Caucasus.
July 4, 1797, – Agha Muhammed Shah was murdered in Shusha.
The beginning of 1801 – the agreement between Iran and England.
September 12, 1801, – Manifest of Tsar about the unification of Kartli-Cakhetia realm to Russia.
December 26, 1802, – Georgiyevsk tractate.
1802-1870 – life time of Muhammedali Kazim bey.
March, 1803, – conquest of Car-Balaken by Russia.
January 4, 1804, – conquest of Ganja by Russians.
July 10, 1804, – stop of diplomatic relations between Russia and July, 1804, – the beginning of Russian – Iranian war.
May 14, 1805, – Kurekchay treaty between Shirvan khanate and February 8, 1806, – murder of Sisianov not far from Baku.
June, 1806, – murder of Ibrahimkhalil khan.
June 22, 1806, – conquest of Derbent by Russian troops.
September, 1806, – subordination of Baku and Quba khanates
by Russia.
1806, Ocotber – re-conquest of Sheki khanate.
1806, December – the beginning of Russian-Turkish war.
1809 – English-Iranian agreement.
June 15, 1801, – conquest of Mehri bey by Russian troops.
August, 1810, – concluding of military agreement between Turkey and Iran against Russia.
March 14, 1812, – English-Iranian agreement.
May 16, 1812, – Bukharest peace treaty.
July 8, 1812, – English-Russian agreement.
December 21, 1812, – invasion of Lenkoran khanate by Russian troops under the commandance of Kotlyarevsky.
October 12, 1813, – concluding of Gulistan peace-treaty.
1818 – “Provision” about aghalars.
1819 – apply of curfew system of governance in Nukha.
1820 – apply of curfew system of governance in Shamakha.
1822 – liquidation of Karabakh khanate; Apply of curfew system of governance in Karabakh.
1824 – formation of the office of the chief of military province in Shusha.
1826 – apply of curfew system of governance in Lenkoran.
July 19, 1826, – attack of Abbas Mirza to the North Caucasus.
July 27, 1826, – uprising of Ganja.
September 3, 1826, – Shamkir battle.
September 13, 1826, – battle near Ganja.
December 9, 1826, – re-conquest of Nukha.
December 26, 1826, – attack of Russian troops to South Azerbaijan.
May 26, 1827, – capture of Nakhichevan by Russian troops.
June 5, 1827, – battle of Cavanbulagh.
July 7, 1827, – capture of Abbasabad.
September 20, 1827, – collapse of Serdarabad.
September 26, 1827, – October 1 – the beginning of the besiege and fall of Iravan fortress.
October, 1827, – conquest of Marand, Khoy, Tabriz by Russian troops. Sheki).
1827 – exploitation of silk-weaving fabric in Khanabad (near January 28, 1828, – capture of Urmiya.
February 8, 1828, – capture of Ardebil.
February 10, 1828, – concluding of Turkmenchay peace treaty.
April, 1828, – the beginning of Russian-Turkish war.
September 2, 1829, – Adrionopol peace treaty.
1830, – formation of Car prvionce and Car-Balaken anticolonial uprising.
December, 1830, – opening of first uyezd school in Shusha.
June 3, 1831, – new “Provision” for trade (forbidden tariff).
1831, – uprising in Talish.
January 17, 1832, – opening of uyezd school in Baku.
February 8, 1833, – Opening of uyezd school in Ganja.
1837 – Quba uprising.
1838 – peasantry uprising in Sheki.
1840 – administrative-judicial reform.
January 5, 1841, – “Law about the administration of state property in Transcaucasus”.
1844 – formation of vicegerent in Caucasus.
1844-1845 – peasantry uprising in Shusha, Nukha and Quba.
December 6, 1846, – rescript of Emperor Nikolay I about the rights of beys and aghalars.
December 14, 1846, – establishment of Shamakha and Derbent guberniyas.
April 20, 1847, and December 28 – “Peasantry Statue” concerned to bey and aghalars’ peasants.
1848 – first attempt on digging oil well in Bibi-Heybet.
June, 1849, – establishment of Iravan guberniya.
1848 – opening of Muslim schools in Ganja, Shusha, Shamakha and Baku.
1850 – the first theatre stage in Lenkoran.
1852 – apply of straight military governance in Car-Balaken.
1855 – the exploitation of Gadabay copper plant.
1857 – the first theatre stage in Shamakha.
1859 – opening of first public libraries in Shamakha and Shusha.
June 29, 1861, – confirmation of “Provision of delimitation of Transcaucasian region”.
June, 1863, – uprising of Zagatala.
January 21, 1864, – the exploitation of telegraph line of Tiflis – Iravan – Nakhichevan – Culfa.
1864 – creation of “Mejlis-i-uns” by poet Mirza Rahim Fana in Shusha.
August 25, 1865, – the end of the construction of big copper plant by the company of “Seamens brothers” in Gedabey.
1868 – establishment of Yelizavetpol guberniya with the centre in Yelizavetpol (Ganja).
1869 – Opening one of the schools of new type by S.A.Shirvani in Shamakha.
May 14, 1870, – agrarian reform.
February 17, 1872, – compile of the law about the abolishment of tax system in oil industry and transition of oil areas into private hands for sole payment.
June 16, 1872, – confirmation of “Provision” about cities.
August, 1872, – creation of Treasury Chamber of Baku.
March 23, 1873, – putting on stage the work of M.F.Akhundov-“Vezir of Lenkoran khan” in Baku.
1873 – first oil fontane.
1874 – establishment of Aresh uyezd.
1874 – the exploitation of first female gymnasium in Baku.
July 22, 1875, – 1877 – publication of the first national democratic newspaper, “Ekinchi”.
1878 – the first oil pipeline.
1879 – construction of first railway by the firm of “Nobel brothers”.
1880 – started the publication of newspaper of “Keshkul”.
1882 – opening of the school of “Akhter” (“Stars”) in Ordubad.
1882 – publication of textbook of “Native speech”, compiled by A.O.Chernyayevsky.
1882 – organization of the first professional school in Zagatala.
May, 1883, – the exploitation of railway line of Baku-Tiflis.
July, 1883, – establishment of Cebrayil and Javanshir uyezds.
1889-1893 – construction of the plants on the refine of licorice by the obedient of Great Britain, A.Ukgardt and I.Bliss in Ucar, Yelizavetpol and Kurdamir.
December 3, 1890, – confirmation of the “Provision about water-using” for the irrigation of lands in South Caucasus.
1894 – creation of the first sindicate of oil exporters, “Union of oil-planters of Baku” in the Russian Empire.
1896 – begun to building of Baku-Batumi oil pipeline.
1896 – opening of the first specialized gardening school by H.Z.Taghiyev in Mardakan.
1897 – creation of police object of Balakhani-Sabunchu.
1898 – Baku promoted the USA by the amount of oil production.
1898 – begun to the exploitation of gardening school of Quba.
1899 – was created community of “Tovuz” on the production of constructive materials in Yelizavetpol guberniya.
The beginning of 1900 – the firm of “Nobel brothers” and community of “Mazut”, belonged to Rotshild concluded cartel agreement (“Nob-mazut”).
1900 – railway of Baku-Derbent was exploited.
1900 – creation of social-democratic centre in Baku.
1900 – land bank of “Don” began its activity in the territory of Azerbaijan.
May 1, 1900, – Emperor Nicolay II ratified law “About the basics of land structure of state peasants of Tiflis, Yelizavetpol, Baku and Irevan guberniyas”.
November, 1900, – railway of Baku-Petrovsk was exploited.
1901 – creation of Baku Committee of RSDRP.
1901 – beginning of activity of executive group and typography of “Nina” in Baku.
1902 – congress of owners in Tiflis.
Summer of 1902 – the line of Minvodi – Petrovsk – Derbent was joint with telegraph line between the railway stations of Baku-Tiflis.
1903 – construction of Baku boulevard and “New Europe” hotel by M.Naghiyev.
1903 – publication of the newspaper of “Shergi-Rus”, only one in Caucasus, in Turkish (Azeri) language in Tiflis.
Summer of 1903 – establishment of eser party in Baku.
1903 – construction of telegraph line of Tazakend-Bilesuvar.
Autumn of 1903 – creation of the organization of “specialized men” in Baku.
1904 – creation of the congress of cotton-growers of Aghdash and Irevan by the “Community of agriculture of Caucasus”.
1904, October – begun of the activity of social-democratic organization, “Hummet”.
1904 – the first credit institution – “Society of mutual credits’ giving” was opened.
December, 1904, – general strike of Baku workers. Concluding of famous “Mazut constitutions”.
Febraury, 1905, – establishment of “Turkish revolutionary committee of social-federalists” in Ganja.
February 6-9, 1905, – Armenian-muslim confrontation in Baku.
February 26, 1905, – restoration of vicegerent in Caucasus.
June, 1905, – newspaper of “Hayat” began to be published.
September 27, 1905, – Petersburg assembly of oil producers.
Summer of 1905 – establishment of the group of “Qeyrat” in Ganja.
August, 1905, – organization of the I congress of All-Russian Muslim Union (“Ittifagi-muslimin”) in Nijni-Novgorod.
December, 1905, – creation of the Baku section of the party of cadets.
August-September, 1905, – foundation of the party of “Difai”.
1906 – opening of the medrese of “Ittihad” in Baku.
1906-1907 – publication of the magazine of “Rachbar”.
1906-1908 – publication of the magazine of “Debistan”.
October 28, 1906, – creation of the post of city-administrator of Baku.
April, 1906, – begun of the publication of the magazine of “Molla Nasiraddin” in Tiflis.
1907 – creation of the “Society of oil industry and trade of Musa Naghiyev”.
January 12, 1908, – first stage of the opera of “Leyli and Majnun” by Uzeyir Hajibeyov.
1909 – “Sanct-Petersburg international commerse bank” opened its second branch in the village of Balakhani.
1910 – congress of rural teachers of Yelizavetpol guberniya.
1911 – the end of the construction of telephone line of Baku-Tiflis.
October, 1911, – organization of the party of “Musavat”. Baku.
1911 – publication of the first female newspaper of “Ishig” in 1911-1917 – the magazine of “Mekteb” (“School”) was published.
August 16, 1912, – the branch of Tiflis commerse bank was opened in Ganja.
December 20, 1912, – tsar ratified law about compulsory bought of lands in the guberniyas of South Caucasus and the abolishment of the obligations of peasants behalf on beys, which was compiled and confirmed by IV State Duma.
1912 – law of IV State Duma about the abolishment of serfdom of peasants from beys and keshk-owners in Daghestan and Zagatala environs.
1913 – there was created “New oil comission of Shibayev” in London.
1913 – there was created “Russian-Caspian shipping”.
1913 – there was shaped straight telegraph connection between Baku and Tiflis.
July 7, 1913, – law “about the liberation of depended peasants of Zagatala and Daghestan oblast from the obligations behalf on beys and keshk-owners”, which was approved by tsar was accepted.
October 25, 1913, – first stage of the operatta of “Arshin mal alan” by Uzeyir Hajibeyov.
1914-1918 –was built hospital by the vehicle of M.Naghiyev.
1914 – was opened Teachers’ Seminaria in Ganja.
1914 – was created “Куреческiй Ванкц” in Baku.
June 25, 1914, – was opened “Society of mutual credits giving on agriculture”.
1914-1918 – World War I.
1916 – Baku Teachers’ Seminaria began to its activity.
1916 – was established “Muslim dramatic society”.
1916 – first stage of the opera of “Shah Ismail” by Muslim Magomayev.
March 3, 1917, – Civil authority passed to the hands of new- created Special Transcaucasian Committee – OZAKOM in the South Caucasus.
March 3, 1917, – was created the party of “Turki Adami- Merkeziyyet” in Ganja (Yelizavetpol).
April 15-20, 1917, – was organized congress of Muslim people of Caucasus in Baku uyezd.
May 1-8, 1917, – Transcaucasian Comissarie was established.
January, 1918, – ethnic cleaning of Azerbaijanis in Yelizavetpol February 23, 1918, – opening of Transcaucasian Seym.Confirmation of the structure of Transcaucasian government.
March-April, 1918, – genocide of Azerbaijanis by Bolshevik- dashnak armed forces.
May 27, 1918, – call of Azerbaijan National Soviet. Acceptance of Act about the independence of Azerbaijan.
May 28, 1918, – proclamation of Azerbaijan National (Democratic) Republic.
June 4, 1918, – concluding of peace and friendship agreement between the governments of ADR and Ottoman Turkey.
June 16, 1918, – movement to National Union and Government of ADR from Tiflis to Ganja.
June 26, 1918, – establishment of National Army of Azerbaijan.
Declaration of Azerbaijan (Turkish) language as the official language of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
July 31, 1918, – the fall of Baku Soviet of National Comissaries.
August 4, 1918, – arrival of the first English military detachment to Baku.
September 15, 1918, – movement of the government of ADR from Ganja to Baku.
October 5, 1919, – declaration of government about the denationalization of oil industry.
October 30, 1918, – mudros peace treaty between Turkey and Antanta states.
November 9, 1918, – acceptance of law about Official Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
November, 1918, – movement of Azerbaijan section of Qori seminaria to Kazakh.
November 17, 1918, – entrance of English troops, commanded by general V.Tomson to Baku, declaration of military circumstance in the city.
December 7, 1918, – opening of the assembly of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic.
December 26, 1918, – concluding of treaty about transition between Azerbaijan and Georgia.
January 15, 1919, – creation of headquarter of armed forces of Azerbaijan Republic.
January 15, 1919, – establishment of Karabakh general- gubernatory.
April 5, 1919, – movement of Military Ministry to Baku.
June, 1919, – concluding of military-defensive act about the mutual of territorial intergrity between Azerbaijan and Georgia.
August 11, 1919, – adoption of law “About the citizenship of Azerbaijan” by the Parliament.
August 24, 1919, – evacuation of English troops from Baku.
August 28, 1919, – adoption of law about the creation of State Bank of Azerbaijan.
September 1, 1919, – resolution of the Parliament about the opening of Baku University.
November 23, 1919, – concluding of treaty about the stop of any confrontations between defenders of Azerbaijan and Armenia and the solution of all border issues by the way of peaceful means in Tiflis.
December 2-11, 1919, – the II congress of “Musavat” party.
January 11, 1920, – de-facto recognition of the independence of Azerbaijan by Supreme Union of Antanta in Versalies Peace Conference.
February 11-12, 1920, – the I congress of Azerbaijan communists in the building of workers’ club in Baku.
April 24, 1920, – Declaration of military circumstance in party organizations of CC and BC ACP (b) by Caucasian committee of RCP (b).
March 20, 1920, – concluding of Azerbaijan-Iran treaty; with this treaty Iran de-yure recognized the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
March 23, 1920, – concluding of trade treaty between Azerbaijan and Georgia.
April 27-28, 1920, – detachments of 11th Red Army crossed Northern border of Azerbaijan without any official declaration; at night of the same day there was presented ultimatum to the parliament about giving whole authority to Azerbaijan communists, which was adopted after hard discussions. On April 28, 11th Red Army entered to Baku and realized the occupation by Soviet Russia.
April 28, 1920, – was confirmed the structure of the Soviet of National Comissaries of Azerbaijan SSR in the assembly of Temporary Revolutionary Committee.
April 28, 1920, – at the beginning of May – organization of revolutionary committees (revcoms) in uyezds.
April 28, 1920, – started to the publication of the newspaper of “Abkhar” by Azrevcom.
April 30, 1920, – publication of the first number of the newspaper of “Communist” by Azrevcom and CC of Azerbaijani CP (b).
April 30, 1920, – occupation of Shamakha and Salyan by the forces of 11th Red Army.
May 3-4, 1920, – occupation of Lenkoran and Astara by the forces of 11th Red Army.
May 5, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about the share of all lands, belonging to khans, beys, landowners, as well as monachs, churches, mosques and vaqfs among peasants.
May 7, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about the organization of Red Army and Red Military-marine navy of Azerbaijan SSR.
May 11, 1920, – occupation of Zagatala by the forces of 11th Red Army.
May 12, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about the organization of public trials.
May 12, 1920, – decree of National Comissariate of Azerbaijan SSR about the liquidation of all types of stratums, civil ranks and titles.
May 12, 1920, – occupation of Shusha by the forces of the 11th Red Army.
May 16, 1920, – arrival of N.Narimanov from Moscow to Baku.
May 24, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about nationalization of oil industry.
May 25-31, 1920, – uprising in Ganja against occupation and establishment of Soviet authority.
May 27, 1920, – creation of the Committee of Worker- Peasantry Defence of Azerbaijan.
June, 1920, – decree about the nationalization of theatres Creation of Azerbaijan state Theatre.
June 5-15, 1920, – uprising in Shusha against Soviet authority under the leadership of Nuru pasha and general Zeynalov.
June 6, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about the nationalization of Caspian merchant marine.
June 9-20, 1920, – uprising in Zagatala against Soviet authority.
June 11, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about the nationalization of banks.
June 19, 1920, – was murdered Fatali khan Khoysky by hired Armenian killer in Tiflis.
July 16-19, 1920, – the I first congress of Communist Union of Youngs of Azerbaijan (comsomol).
July 28, 1920, – the I Caucasian Polk of 11th Read Army entered to Nakhichevan; sovietization of Nakhichevan region.
September 1-7, 1920, – the I congress of the peoples of the East in Baku.
September 23, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom about the creation of rural commitees of poorness.
September 30, 1920, – concluding of military-economic alliance between RSFSR and Azerbaijan SSR in Moscow.
November 1-10, 1920, – liberation of M.E.Resulzadeh, who was arrested by special detachment of 11th Red Army on August 17, 1920 from prison by the order of I.Stalin and his coming to Moscow together with Stalin.
December 15, 1920, – decree of Azrevcom “About the creation of unit State Archive Foundation and Creation of Central State Archive under the National Comissariate of Enlightenment”.
December 25, 1920, – beginning of functioning of Russian teathre, “Critics and propaganda” in Baku.
January, 1921, – opening of the Technical University of Azerbaijan in Baku.
January, 1921, – beginning to the activity of Central State Archive of Azerbaijan SSR.
February 11-18, 1921, – the third congress of Communist Party (b) of Azerbaijan.
March 16, 1921, – was concluded treaty about friendship between RSFSR and Turkey.
May 19, 1921, – adoption of the Constitution of Azerbaijan SSR on the first whole Azerbaijanis congress of Soviets.
July, 1921, – decree of SNC of Azerbaijan SSR about the opening of the first women’s high school Pedogogical Institute in Baku.
August 26, 1921, – decree of SNC of Azerbaijan SSR about the opening of the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in Baku, for the first time among Muslim East.
September, 1921, – acceptance of decision about the recreation of Azneftcom under the independent trest of “Azneft” by CC of CP (B) of Azerbaijan and SNC of Azerbaijan SSR.
October 13, 1921, – concluding of treaty between Turkey and Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia Soviet Socialistic Republics with the participation of RSFSR in Kars.
November, 1921, – opening of High Female Pedagogical Institute in Baku.
January 17, 1922, – ceremony to the honour of the opening of Azerbaijan State Dramatic Theatre.
January 25, 1922, – the first congress of the Soviets of Nakhichevan ASSR.
January 27, 1922, – the fourth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
March 12, 1922, – creation of Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Union of Socialistic Republics (ZSFSSR).
April 10-May 19, 1922, – the conference in Genuya (Italy).
April 28-May 3. 1922, – the second whole-Azerbaijani congress of Soviets.
October 20, 1922, – decree of CEC of Azerbaijan SSR about equal rights of Latin alphabet with Arabic graphic.
November 2, 1922, – publication of the first number of the satiric journal of “Molla Nasiraddin”, which continued its publication in Baku under the edition of J.Mammadquluzadeh.
November 7, 1922, – ceremonical opening of the monument of prominent poet-satirist M.A.Sabir in Baku.
December 13, 1922, – adoption of the constitution of ZSFSR in the first congress of the Soviets of Transcaucasia (South Caucasus), formation of Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Union of Socialistic Republics into Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialistic Republics (ZSFSR).
December 30, 1922, – first congress of the Soviets of USSR.
Creation of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics.
March 12-15, 1923, – fifth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
March 18, 1923, – resolution of SNC and CEC of Azerbaijan “About the liqudation of proverty among the population of Azerbaijan SSR”.
May, 1923, – ceremonical Opening of Central State library of Azerbaijan.
June, 1923, – was created Archaelogical Commitee of Azerbaijan.
July 7, 1923, – creation of Mountainous-Karabakh Autonomous Region.
October 20, 1923, – CEC of Azerbaijan SSR accepted decree “About the recognition of new Azerbaijan alphabet as the state alphabet”.
November 2, 1923, – beginning to the activity of “Society on the study and investigation of Azerbaijan”.
November, 1923, – “Woman of the East” (current “Woman of Azerbaijan” began to be published).
February 3, 1924, – exploitation of tram transport in Baku.
February 9, 1924, – reformation of Nakhichevan Automous Region into Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic.
March, 1924, – adoption of decision “About registration and protection of ancient monuments” by National Comissariate.
May 5-9, 1924, – the sixth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
July 17, 1924, – opening of Republic branch of the society of “Down with illiteracy” in Azerbaijan.
October 6, 1924, – creation of the Union of Agricultural Cooperations of “Goybirliyi”.
March 10-16, 1925, – the fourth congress of the Soviet of Azerbaijan.
March 19, 1925, – death of N.Narimanov in Moscow.
February 3, 1926, – creation of the commission of industrialization of Azerbaijan SSR.
February 25-March 5, 1926, – the first All-Union turkological congress in Baku.
July 6, 1926, – opening of the first electric railway, connecting Balakhani-Sabunchu region with Baku in USSR.
July, 1926, – the first number of publishing socio-literatural journal in Azerbaijan language in Tiflis, “Dan Ulduzu” was published.
November 6, 1926, – the phrase “Baku is calling” was firstly expressed on the scene; There began to regular programmes on Azerbaijan radio.
March 18, 1927, – the fifth All-Azerbaijan congress of Soviets.
May, 1927, –was created All-Union central Committee on the creation of new Turkish alphabet.
November 12-18, 1927, – the eighth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
January 13-16, 1928, – first congress of proletarian writers of Azerbaijan. Creation of the Association of Proletareian writers of Azerbaijan.
July 22, 1928, – resolution of CEC and SNC of Azerbaijan SSR about compulsory transition to new alphabet on the ground of Latin graphic.
December, 1928, – the first congress of ashugs of Azerbaijan.
January 1, 1929, – transition of Azerbaijan writing into Latin graphic.
March 6-14, 1929, – the ninth Congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
May, 1929, – establishment of the Azerbaijan Institute of Agriculture (AIA) on the ground of Agricultural faculty of Azerbaijan Technical Institute.
October 22, 1929, – opening of Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute (Az. SSRI) under the CEC of Azerbaijan SSR.
February, 1930, – was exploited Baku-Batumi oil pipline with the length of 822 km.
March 10, 1930, – the beginning of activity of Baku Industrial Academy.
March, 1930, – organization of the first MTS in Barda and Qasim-Ismailov (Goranboy) regions of the Republic.
May 31-June 4, 1930, – the tenth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
June, 1930, – opening of Azerbaijan Medical Institute.
August 28, 1930, – resolution of Bureou of CC of CP (b) of Azerbaijan “About the transition into compulsory general education in Azerbaijan SSR”.
February 8-16, 1931, – the seventh All-Azerbaijan Congress of Soviets.
March 31, 1931,– Awarding of 54 workers of “Azneft” with the orden of Lenin to the honour of implementation of the plan of the first five year in 2,5 years of oil industry of Azerbaijan.
January 4, 1932, – death of Jalil Mammadguluzadeh.
January 19-25, 1932, – the eleventh congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
September, 1932, – opening of Azerbaijan Section of Transcaucasian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (Az STB AS).
December 10, 1933, – Mir Jafar Baghirov was elected as the first secretary of CC of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
January 11-14, 1934, – the twelfth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
June 13-17, 1934, – the first congress of Soviet writers of Azerbaijan.
November, 1934, – restoration of Azerbaijan State University. Soviets.
October, 1935, – reformation of Az STB AS into Azerbaijani Branch of Academy of Sciences of USSR (Az BAS).
March, 1936, – the first congress of architectors of Azerbaijan.
At the end of September, 1936, – opening of Nukha (Sheki) State Dramatic Theatre.
March 14, 1937, – adoption of new Constitution of Azerbaijan SSR in the ninth Congress of Soviets of Azerbaijan.
April 30, 1937, – premiere of the opera of “Koroghlu” by Uzeyir Hajibeyov in the Azerbaijan State Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after M.F.Akhundov.
June 3-9, 1937, – thirteenth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
September 17, 1937, – the adoption of new Constitution of Nakhichevan ASSR.
March 11-14, 1938, – second congress of ashugs of Azerbaijan.
April 5-14, 1938, – the first decade of arts of Azerbaijan in Moscow.
June 2, 1938, – the day of creation of the first aviation group of Azerbaijan, which founded the civil aviation of the Republic.
June 7-14, 1938, – the fourteenth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
February 25, 1939, – fifteenth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
September 2, 1939, – the beginning of World War II.
January 1, 1940, – transition of Azerbaijan writing into new alphabet on the ground of Russian alphabet.
March 12-16, 1940, – sixteenth congress of CP (b) of Azerbaijan.
May 6, 1940, – opening of the first line of Samur-Devechi canal.
May 15-28, 1940, – decade of Azerbaijan literature in Moscow.
October 23-25, 1940, – the first congress of the union of the artists of Azerbaijan.
June 22, 1941, – attack of fascist Germany to USSR.
June 28, 1941, – transformation of whole political and socio- economic life of Azerbaijan SSR into the coherence with the demands of military circumstances.
August, 1941, – creation of 402nd national Azerbaijan division.
August, 1941, – invasion of Soviet (to the Southern Azerbaijan) and English troops to Iran.
October, 1941, – creation of 223rd national Azerbaijan division.
December, 1941, – awarding of Israfil Mammedov with honoured title of Hero of Soviet Union.
1941-1945 – the first stage of national-democratic movement in Southern Azerbaijan.
February-March, 1942, – creation of 416th national Azerbaijan division.
May, 1942, – re-complectation of 77th national Azerbaijan division.
August-September, 1942, – creation of 271st national Azerbaijan division.
September 9, 1942, – declaration of military circumstances in Azerbaijan SSR.
December 22, 1942, – awarding of Hazi Aslanov with the title of Hero of Soviet Union and medal of Gold Star.
Autumn of 1943, – election of the Parliament and Government of Azerbaijan in emigration in Berlin.
June, 1944, – representing to Hazi Aslanov the reward of Hero of Soviet Union for the second time.
January 23, 1945, – creation of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR.
May 9, 1945, – victory on fascist Germany.
September 2, 1945, – victory over militarist Japan.
1945-1954 – construction and exploitation of Mingachevir HES.
June, 1946, – opening of Tabriz University.
December, 1946, – neutralization of national-liberative movement in South Azerbaijan.
December 23-March 10, 1947, – resolution of the Soviet of the Ministers of USSR about the deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia SSR.
1948 – construction of the first oil industrial estacade in the Caspian Sea with in the world.
June, 1948, – opening of the Institute of Foreign Languages in Baku.
November 11, 1948, – establishment of the city of Mingachevir.
1949 – transition to compulsory seven-years education in Azerbaijan SSR.
1955 – death of M.S.Resulzadeh in Ankara.
1959 – transition to compulsory eight-years education in Azerbaijan SSR.
1962 – the exploitation of ferry of Baku-Krasnovodsk.
1966 – transition to compulsory ten-years education.
1967 – the exploition of the first 6 stations of Baku underground railway.
July, 1969, – election of H.A.Aliyev as the first secretary of CC of CP of Azerbaijan.
October, 1975, – Plane of TU-144 landed on the airport of Bina in Baku.
1976 – election of H.A.Aliyev as the candidate to the membership of Politbureou of CC of CPSS.
1978 – adoption of new constitution of Azerbaijan SSR.
December, 1982, – election of H.A.Aliyev as the member of Politbureou of CC of CPSS and his appointment as the first vice- chairman of the Soviet of Ministers of USSR.
1983 – the exploitation of oil pipeline of Baku-Grozny.
1987 – Retirement of H.A.Aliyev from his posts in Moscow.
November 17, 1988, – the beginning of national-liberative movement in Azerbaijan.
December, 1988, – the end of mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from Western Azerbaijan (Armenia SSR).
December 30, 1989, – restoration of historical name of the city of Ganja.
January 19-20, 1990, – “Bloody January” – bloody massacre of civil population of Baku and other regions of the Republic by the detachments of Soviet Army.
May 19, 1990, – creation of the institute and post of President in the Republic.
February 5, 1991, – official rename of Azerbaijan SSR to the Republic of Azerbaijan.
September 3, 1991, – election of H.A.Aliyev as the Chairman of Supreme Mejlis of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.
October 18, 1991, – adoption of Constitutional Act about the State Independence of Azerbaijan Republic.
November 26, 1991, – creation of National Union. Liquidation of the status of MKAR.
February 25-26, 1992, – Khojaly tragedy.
May 17-18, 1992, – occupation of Lachin region by the enemies.
June 7, 1992, – election of the chairman of National Front, Abulfaz Aliyev (Elchibey) as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
October, 1992, – adoption of 907th Amendment to the Act about the defence of Freedom by the US Congress.
November 21, 1992, – organization of the party of “New Azerbaijan” (YAP) in Nakhichevan.
April 3-6, 1993, – occupation of Kelbejar by the enemies.
June 4, 1993, – revolt in Ganja.
June 9, 1993, – arrival of H.A.Aliyev to Baku.
June 15, 1993, – election of H.A.Aliyev as the Chairman of Supreme Union of Azerbaijan Republic. Day of National Rescue.
July 23, 1993, – occupation of Aghdam by the enemies.
August 18, 1993, – occupation of Jabrayil region by the enemies.
August 21-23, 1993, – suppression of the revolt in Southern region.
August 23, 1993, – capture of Fuzuli and parts of the same region by the enemies.
August 31, 1993, – the ccupation of Gubadli region.
September 24, 1993, – entrance of Azerbaijan Republic to UIS.
October 3, 1993, – election of H.A.Aliyev as the President of Azerbaijan Republic.
October 30, 1993, – occupation of Zangilan region.
November 2, 1993, – appeal of President H.A.Aliyev to the nation.
May 12, 1994, – concluding of treaty about cease-fire agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
September 20, 1994, – Concluding of oil “Contract of the century”.
October, 1994, – attemtion to state revolution.
March, 1995, – the second attemption to state revolution.
November 12, 1995, – adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the way of all-national Referendum and realization of the first democratic ballots to Parliament.
December, 1996, – “Lissabon meeting” of OSCE.
September, 1997, – creation of the organization of GUAM with the structure consisted of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova.
September, 1988, – International Baku Conference about the Rebirth of historical Silk Way.
October 11, 1998, – election of H.A.Aliyev as the President of Azerbaijan Republic for the second time.
November, 1999, – Istanbul sammit of OSCE.
December 12, 1999, – the first municipal elections in Azerbaijan.
September 7, 2000, – Report of H.A.Aliyev in the sammit of “Millenium”.
November 5, 2000, – the next elections to the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan.
January 25, 2001, – Azerbaijan became the equal member of European Council.
March, 2001, – creation of Azerbaijan Centre of Ataturk.
April 26-27, 2001, – was organized the seventh meeting of the leaders of Turkish-spoken countries in Istanbul.
November 9-10, 2001, – was organized the first congress of the World Azerbaijanis in Baku.
January 28, 2002, – temporary stop of the acting of 907th Amendment, which limited all types of state aid, as well as humanitarian one from the side of US to Azerbaijan by US president.
May 2, 2002, – opening of 45th European Championship of free wrestling in Baku Sport-Concert Complex.
May 22-23, 2002, – visit of the leader of the state of Vatican, Pope Ioann Pavel II to Azerbaijan.
June 9, 2002, – opening of the monument of Nizami Gandjavi in Sankt-Petersburg (Russian Federation).
August 7, 2002, – creation of Nakhichevan Branch of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (NB of NASA).
September 18, 2002, – the foundation ceremony of the fundament of main export oil pipeline-Baku-Ceyhan in Sangachal.
September 30, 2002, – adoption of “Law about state language of Azerbaijan Republic”.
November 18, 2002, – adoption of Azerbaijan Republic to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO as associative member.
January 27, 2003, – election of Ilham Aliyev as the vice- chairman and number of Bureou of Parliamentary Assembly of European Council.
October 15, 2003, – victory of Ilham Aliyev in the President ballots of Azerbaijan Republic, which occurred on alternative ground.
November 24, 2003, – Order of the President Ilham Aliyev “About the measures on the intensifying of socio-economic development in Azerbaijan Republic”.
December 12, 2003, – death of former-president of Azerbaijan Republic, worldwide leader, H.A.Aliyev in Clivlend hospital of the USA.
January, 2004, – official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to France.
February, 2004, – official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Russian Federation.
February 11, 2004, – Order of President Ilham Aliyev “About Confirmation of State Programme on socio-economic development of regions of Azerbaijan Republic”.
March 10, 2004, – giving of the name of worldwide leader Heydar Aliyev to Baku International Airport.
March, 2004, – Official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Kazakhstan.
March, 2004, – Official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Turkey.
May, 2004, – Opening of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
June 24, 2004, – Official visit of the President of Greece, Constantinos Stefanopulos to our country by the invitation of President Ilham Aliyev.
June 25, 2004, – Meeting of President Ilham Aliyev with the graduators of Azerbaijan High Military School named after Heydar Aliyev.
August, 2004, – Confirmation of “State Programm of the improvement of physical culture and sport in Azerbaijan Republic in 2004-2008s”.
September, 2004, – Official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to the USA.
October, 2004, – Participation of President Ilham Aliyev in the work of 2nd All-Russian Congress of Azerbaijanis.
December, 2004, – Municipal elections in Azerbaijan.
January 24-26, 2005, – Official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
April, 2005, – Adoption of Law about the formation of the orden of “Heydar Aliyev”.
May 10, 2005, – Opening of the movement of worldwide leader Heydar Aliyev.
November 6, 2005, – leading party “New Azerbaijan” won in the elections to Milli Mejlis with big majority.
December, 2005, – All 23 passengers of the plain, flying from Baku to Kazakhistan died. Official men told that it was related with technical problems.
March 16, 2006, – occurred the 2nd Congress of World Azerbaijanis.
May, 2007, – opening of the monument of “Independence” in Baku.
July, 2006, – opening of oil pipeline of BTC – Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan.
March, 2008, – concluding of Moscow declaration among the presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russian Federation.
October 15, 2008, – election of Ilham Aliyev as the President of Azerbaijan Republic for the second time.
November 4, 2008, – Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic “About the creation of cosmic industry and exploitation of telecommunicative satellites in the Republic of Azerbaijan”.
March 18, 2009, – All-national Referendum about the realization of amendments to the Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic.
March 18-24, 2009, – was organized international Music Festival, “World of Mugham” in Baku.
May 4, 2009, – Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic about the confirmation of “National strategy on the development of the science in Azerbaijan Republic during 2009-2015s” and “State program of realization of National strategy on the development of science in Azerbaijan Republic in 2009-2015s”.
2009, June, – the adoption of new law on “Education”.
2010, 7 November, – IV summon, carried out the elections for the Parliament of the Republic Azerbaijan.
2011, 5 July – has carried out the 3rd Congress of the World’s Azerbaijanis, in Baku.
2011, 25 October – the Republic of Azerbaijan has selected non- constant member of Security Council of UNO.
2012, 13 July, – the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Republic on creation “ASAN Service”.
2012, 10 December – stopped the exploitation of Kabala Radiolocation Station.
2013, 08 February – the first artificial satellite of Azerbaijan has sent to orbit.
2013, 9 October, Ilham Aliyev was elected the president of Azerbaijan Republic for the 3rd time.
2013, 17 December – has signed the final Investment Decision on “Shahdeniz-2”.
2014, January – Ilham Aliyev the president of Azerbaijan Republic has participated in the World Economic Forum that carried out in Davos of Norway.