Staying loyal to its strategy aimed at constant development of Customer services, Nar is known for provision of high level of services to subscribers. According to latest results, the level of services provide to subscribers who applied to the Call Center increased by 20% when compared to the beginning of this year. 88% of Nar subscribers who contacted the Call Center rated the provided customer services with the highest possible points. This high result was possible thanks to increase of quality of services provided to Nar subscribers as well as application of innovative solutions. Nar subscribers are able to benefit from high quality customer services in any convenient way – by calling to the Call Center, by means of a personal cabinet, social networks, SMS and email.All the services provided to customers via the operator’s Call Center (777), are being provided via the social media just as well. Nar is the first and only mobile operator that provides its customer services directly by means of social media. To this effect, a dedicated team is dealing only with inquires, submitted through the social media. The customers are able to benefit from this service by means of their personal user accounts at website, as well as via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks. Thus, by using the social networks the subscribers can benefit from a variety of services, such as tariff change, internet package renewal, subscription to new services or deactivation of services, operation with numbers, detailed information about incoming calls and messages, settings for telephone, router or other devices, resolution of technical problems, discount campaigns, participation in contests and other events and etc.More detailed information about the mobile operator’s customer services can be found at website.“Azerfon” LLC (Nar trademark) started its operations on March 21, 2007, and within a short period of time became one of the leading companies of the telecommunications and mobile communication industry of Azerbaijan. The ‘Nar’ brand name was selected as the symbol that resembles the cohesion of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Azerbaijan with the modern life. Being the first operator in the country to introduce the 3G technology, Nar provides the customers with a wide 4G network coverage. Within the frames of its strategy aimed at continuous improvement of the network quality, the mobile operator has introduced the HD-Voice service, which ensures a significant increase of the quality and flawless transmission of voice. With a large network of over 7000 base stations, covering 93% of the country’s territory, Nar provides more than 2.1 million subscribers with the highest quality services.