In forty-four days, Azerbaijan won a brilliant victory and defeated Armenia. Azerbaijan has ended the occupation. Every single day of these 44 days is our glorious history. The Azerbaijani Army advanced every day, President of Azerbaijan and Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev said in his speech at the Victory Parade dedicated to the Victory in the Patriotic War.
The President noted that Azerbaijani soldiers and Azerbaijani officers were fighting for one goal – to put an end to this occupation, to this injustice, to celebrate a victory of historical justice, and we have succeeded. Armenia could not emulate us.
The Commander-in-Chief recalled swearing on the Constitution and the Holy Quran during his inauguration after being elected President in 2003 that he would protect the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and said: “I am proud to say today that Azerbaijan has achieved its goal, restored historical justice and international law.”