Since the time when France was ruled by the Macron government, its special concern for Armenia and endless bias towards Azerbaijan have been on the headlines. Especially after the Second Garabagh War, Azerbaijan’s liberation of its historical lands from occupation worried the French elite more than the ruling classes of Armenia. It is no coincidence that as soon as the topic of peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia becomes relevant, Macron’s government is determined to slow down the processes in the South Caucasus and create confusion in the region.
Yesterday, on April 16, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) recalled its ambassador to Azerbaijan. It is interesting that the official Paris first refused to state the reason for this sudden step and then linked the “biased” decisions of Azerbaijan with the recall of the ambassador.
It is clear that Macron’s administration is not interested in peace and is trying to increase tensions in the South Caucasus.
In his comment for AZERNEWS, Khayal Bashirov, Chairman of the Centre for Political and Legal Research (CPLR/SHAM), said that despite the acts of vandalism against the Azerbaijani embassy and culture in France, the French police were indifferent to these issues. The expert reminded that France has not taken sufficient measures in this regard.
“After the second Garabagh war, repeated attacks and acts of vandalism were organised against the Azerbaijani embassy in France. Meanwhile, the atrocity committed by Armenia against the Azerbaijani poetess Khurshudbani Natavan in Aghdam was committed against her monument in France. The French police ignored all this, created conditions for it and did not take the necessary measures.”
The expert said that France accuses Azerbaijan of violating the requirements of the Vienna Convention. The reality is the opposite.
“The French side is recalling its ambassador from Azerbaijan today and creating the impression that Azerbaijan has violated the requirements of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. But there is no reason for this.”
Concerning France’s decision to recall the ambassador from the country where she was appointed, Khayal Bashirov also touched on the case as such. For this reason, he mentioned the terrorist attack against the Azerbaijani embassy in Iran.
“Following the terrorist attack against the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, the capital of Iran, Azerbaijan recalled the representatives of its diplomatic corps. Because there was a threat to life and illegal acts against the diplomatic corps. But as regards France’s case in Azerbaijan, there was not any harassment or threat to French diplomats in the country.”
The expert said that the French embassy acts more like Armenian lobbies or their representatives in Baku. According to him, Macron’s administration reacts as if France, not Armenia, was defeated in the Second Karabakh War.
“France, especially Macron’s office, mobilises all its forces against Azerbaijan in all directions. Official Paris initiates the adoption of anti-Azerbaijani documents, decisions, and resolutions in the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the UN Security Council, the Organisation of Francophonie, its own parliament, and all other platforms.”
Recalling France’s support for Armenia, the political analyst said that official Paris is a supporter of the revanchist war.
“France has been carrying out the process of rearming Armenia for a long time, taking steps towards strengthening Armenia, and realising the next revanchist war against Azerbaijan.”
The expert noted that recalling the ambassador was a step Azerbaijan would take in response to France’s actions. However, Baku, unlike Paris, does not try to conduct a hostile policy.
“All these points give us reason to say that Azerbaijan should have taken similar steps regarding its embassy in France. But Azerbaijan does not do that. Because Azerbaijan respects diplomatic relations. But it seems that France does not want to give up its evil intentions. On the one hand, Paris is arming Armenia, on the other hand, it is realising the deployment of NATO forces in Armenia under the guise of the peaceful mission of the European Union.
The political analyst noted that the current French government does not act in the interests of the French people. But Macron’s current reign has lost its essence.
“These steps are not in the interests of the French state or the French people. Undoubtedly, sooner or later, Macron will leave power in France, and Azerbaijan-France relations will normalise. It should not be forgotten that Macron’s power is temporary, but that of Azerbaijan and France is eternal. Unfortunately, the French people and the future successors of Emmanuel Macron will hereafter have to correct his wrong policy and support the normalisation of relations with Azerbaijan. The lifetime of this Azerbaijanphobia policy will be the lifetime of Macron’s rule.”