The immune system fights disease-producing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites only when it is functioning properly. Despite all children are continuously exposed to these pathogens, exposing this unpleasant case does not mean a child will definitely get sick.
In fact, a strong immune system provides a child with powerful natural defenses against both external and internal diseases. Conversely, a child with a weakened immune system is vulnerable or more susceptible to colds, flu, and even more serious illnesses.
There is a list of the most common causes of child’s immune system weakening…
1. Hereditary causes are among the most spread. They include a number of congenital diseases when the immune system is not sufficiently active.
2. Breastfeeding for as long as possible is crucial to developing a strong immune system. Breastfed babies experience fewer infections than bottle-fed babies. Feeding babies artificial milk deprives them of receiving the crucial protection that breast milk provides.
By the way, experts of the World Health Organization recommend conducting exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and then, together with the necessary lure, to continue breastfeeding up to two years.
3. Irrational and unbalanced diet, lack of protein, vitamins, trace elements and others. The wrong types of fats can predispose a child to recurrent infections and inflammatory conditions.
4. Sleep disorders, lack of sleep, fatigue, prolonged stress, chronic fatigue, trauma, surgery, and burns can indeed harm the immune system.
5. Chronic diseases such as gastrointestinal tract, anemia, intestinal parasites and others. Even such diseases like caries can greatly strain the cells of the immune system, adversely affecting the whole body.
6. Irrational use of medicines, especially antibiotics. Remember that antibiotics can destroy the intestinal flora and contribute to the development of allergies, asthma, diabetes, and obesity, diseases of the blood, liver, hormones, sedatives and other funds.
7. Adverse environmental conditions, a long stay near the polluted roads. Contaminated exhaust air creates a significant burden on the immune system of the child.
8. In case if a child lives with a family member who smocks at home at least one pack of cigarettes a day, it can be found nicotine corresponding to the content in the two cigarettes in child’s urine.
9. Lack of physical activity, excessive wrapping the child, high temperature in the room where the child resides — the optimum temperature in the room is 18-21 degrees.
The above factors are often the cause of overload and failure that in the incompletely formed baby’s immune system, and the body begins to tell us about it in different ways.
By Laman Sadigova