The winners of the Netty-2021 Internet Award, traditionally held in partnership with Nar, were announced. In the final event held on 18th of December, 18 projects selected by the Netty Expert Council were awarded in 6 main nominations.
In this year’s competition, more than 200 projects were registered in the categories of “State and Society”, “Business and Finance”, “Science, Education and Innovation”, “Health, Sports and Tourism”, “Information and News” and “Culture, Art and Creativity” to participate in the contest. In addition, each nomination consisted of 3 sub-nominations. Detailed information about the winners and their selection rules can be found at
Congratulating the winners at the final ceremony, Aziz Akhundov, the Director of Public Relations Department of Azerfon LLC (Nar), said: “Apart from providing high quality communication services, Nar also implements consistent projects to develop the local ICT market. The main goal of these projects is to make our contribution to society by making the Internet more useful.”
Established in 2004, the Netty Internet Award annually evaluates projects in the Azerbaijani segment of the global network and awards the best ones of various fields. The partnership with the Netty Awards is a logical continuation of Nar’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects aimed at advancing the ICT sector in Azerbaijan. Read more at
Azerfon LLC (Nar) was launched on March 21, 2007 and now have 91% territorial and 99% population coverage in Azerbaijan. With more than 8,780 base stations, the Nar network provides high-quality mobile services to more than 2.3 million customers. According to the benchmark tests of mobile networks conducted by P3 Communications in 2017, the Nar network achieved the highest result in the country in provision of mobile call services. According to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) indicators, Nar was selected as nation’s best mobile carrier in 2019 and 2020.