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Representatives of Azerbaijan Energy Regulatory Agency and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development hold meeting


A meeting has been held between representatives of the Azerbaijan Energy Regulatory Agency (AERA) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Chairman of the Board of AERA Samir Akhundov and EBRD Regional Director for Energy for Turkiye and the Caucasus Region David Managadze, as well as other representatives of both organizations attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Samir Akhundov provided detailed information about the measures carried out within the second stage of the project “Support for the functioning of the new established energy regulatory agency in the Republic of Azerbaijan”. He stated that the final version of the draft Law “On Regulator in energy and public utility services” was completed and submitted to the relevant authorities, and secondary draft normative legal documents on the issues arising from the draft law, as well as relevant internal regulations have been prepared.

The chairman also emphasized that online meetings with international experts have been organized to increase the professional capacity of AERA employees on topical aspects identified within the project.

The meeting ended with the discussions on the next steps to be taken on the project.

About Fidan Abdullayeva